About Us
We work together to promote
health and wellness in our community.
Our Values
At Polk Wellness Professionals, we believe that:
Educated, empowered individuals make the heathiest choices.
We accomplish more by working together.
Positive change comes from inspiring our community.
Our Story
Your community wellness leaders, all in one place.
Our History
Polk Wellness Professionals (PWP) was founded in 2011 by a group of local health & wellness leaders to network and support one another and the community. In 2012, Polk Vision and the Department of Health in Polk County created a community wide initiative known as Building a Healthier Polk. Polk Wellness Professionals quickly committed to serving as a resource for the initiative by working closely with Strategy 4 Worksite Wellness. The bulk of Polk Wellness Professionals’ effort was related to the design and distribution of a worksite wellness survey to be sent to Polk County businesses in an effort to create a baseline for the 3 year initiative.
Our Work Today
Today we work to unite health and wellness leaders within Polk County under a common goal: to build a culture of wellness in our community. We work with local employers, service providers, and health and wellness entrepreneurs to share resources and educate the public. We support each other by cross-promoting our respective wellness initiatives and sharing new research, information, and tools.
Would you like to join our group? We would love to have you!
Please contact us at Info@PolkWellnessProfessionals.org to learn more or fill out our Member Interest Form.